What is it about donuts? From Homer Simpson to everyone I know, donuts are irresistible and a top diet-buster – they’re just too tempting. So it got me thinking – we know the answer to “are donuts fattening?”- but eat them anyway. Maybe you eat whatever you want without guilt, or you don’t crave sweets – lucky you. But more likely, you struggle with “Should I eat it? Did I “earn” it? If I eat it, can I work it off with an extra gym session?” We know the fallout, but either decide it’s worth the joy or just can’t help ourselves. Aside from being fattening, donuts are obviously not the healthiest. Processed white flour deep-fried in oil with extra sugar on top isn’t the most nutritious option, no matter how thin you are. But even as a health lover, I understand the allure. They hit the spot. A glorious teenage memory of mine was winding up at a Dunkin Donuts in the middle of the night and filling our donuts to the max with custard cream (might have been a little under the influence) – but OMG were they good! I mean, let’s face it – there’s never enough custard inside, except for that one time! I’m not against indulging – we all deserve it and need it. The trick is finding the balance of when to say yes and when to say no. Or learning how to make a healthier version or eating at places with healthier versions. Every decision takes you on a path. Where do you want to be on your health journey?

Check out the below Donut references from:

Shaunt, Kelsey Wells, Pagingfunmums, ez.weight.loss, womanup.wellness and Precision Nutrition